Archive: 05/04/2016
General practice in England nearing 'saturation point'
The largest analysis of GP and nurse consultations to date shows workloads in general practice have increased by 16 per cent over the past seven years, with more frequent and longer consultations.
Apr 5, 2016
Death of partner linked to heightened risk of irregular heartbeat for up to a year later
The death of a partner is linked to a heightened risk of developing an irregular heartbeat otherwise known as atrial fibrillation—itself a risk factor for stroke and heart failure—for up to a year afterwards, finds research ...
Apr 5, 2016
New studies reveal large gap in life expectancy between patients with type 1 diabetes and the general population
Two new studies published in Diabetologia (the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes) show there has been no decrease in the gap in life expectancy between people living with type 1 diabetes (T1D) ...
Apr 5, 2016
Most americans want to learn how to help those injured in disasters
(HealthDay)—Many Americans would take a class to learn how to stop or control bleeding to help victims of shootings, accidents or other emergency situations, a new survey suggests.
Apr 5, 2016