Archive: 07/03/2014
Research finds rapid brain 'remapping' in patients years after stroke
(Medical Xpress)—By examining the sense of touch in stroke patients, a University of Delaware cognitive psychologist has found evidence that the brains of these individuals may be highly plastic even years after being damaged.
Mar 7, 2014
Research team uncovers new mechanisms of oxidative stress regulation
(Medical Xpress)—Regulation of oxidative stress is critical to cell survival. New preclinical research from Roswell Park Cancer Institute (RPCI) has revealed two key mechanisms by which oxidative stress is regulated in ...
Mar 7, 2014
Free birth control doesn't promote risky sexual behavior in women
(Medical Xpress)—New research shows that providing women with free contraception does not increase the likelihood that they will have sex with multiple partners, as critics of the practice have suggested.
Mar 7, 2014