Archive: 07/05/2017
Hundreds of suspected cholera cases in Yemen: MSF
At least 570 suspected cases of cholera have surfaced in war-torn Yemen in the past three weeks, sparking fears of a potential epidemic, Doctors Without Borders said Sunday.
May 7, 2017
A unique enzyme could be a game-changer for gluten-sensitive patients
Researchers have found that taking an enzyme tablet while consuming foods containing gluten prevents a significant amount of it from entering the small intestine. This could enable gluten-sensitive patients to ingest small ...
May 7, 2017
Large nuclear cardiology laboratory slashes radiation dose by 60 percent in eight years
A large nuclear cardiology laboratory has slashed its average radiation dose by 60% in eight years, according to new research presented today at ICNC 2017 and published in JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging.1,2 The study in over ...
May 7, 2017