Archive: 08/06/2016
You could be paying more for less effective medicine
A new study suggests that weak drug regulation and misleading marketing can lead doctors to prescribe more expensive, riskier, and less beneficial drugs. "Under the Influence: The Interplay among Industry, Publishing, and ...
Jun 8, 2016
Portugese president vetos surrogacy law
Portugal's centre-right President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa on Tuesday vetoed a law authorising surrogacy in some cases where a couple cannot conceive, quashing legislation adopted by parliament in May.
Jun 8, 2016
Study indicates benefits to treating young adults with high cholesterol
Treating young adults with high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels may reduce risk of future heart attacks and heart disease, according to researchers at UC San Francisco and Columbia University in a study published ...
Jun 8, 2016
Portable probes hunt down cancer cells during surgery
Light, wireless probes the size of a large pen have been developed to identify cancer cells and suspicious lymph nodes during surgery. The probes, which EPFL helped develop, are now being tested by surgeons at the University ...
Jun 8, 2016
Parents-only therapy may be optimal in treating anorexia
Family therapy for 12- to 18-year-olds with anorexia nervosa, in which all household members participate and a meal is held in the clinician's office, may be less effective than a streamlined model involving only the parents ...
Jun 8, 2016
'Now-or-never bottleneck' explains language acquisition
We are constantly bombarded with linguistic input, but our brains are unable to remember long strings of linguistic information. How does the brain make sense of this ongoing deluge of sound?
Jun 8, 2016