Archive: 09/08/2016
Higher weekly activity levels linked to lower risk of 5 chronic diseases
Higher levels of total physical activity are strongly associated with lower risk of five common chronic diseases - breast and bowel cancer, diabetes, heart disease and stroke, finds a study in The BMJ today.
Aug 9, 2016
Calling 5G into question
As wireless companies prepare to launch the next generation of service, there are new questions about the possible health risks from radiation emitted by cellphones and the transmitters that carry the signals.
Aug 9, 2016
Killer T cells recognize cancer in pre-clinical tumors, but are silenced as tumor develops
One of the challenges for developing truly successful immunotherapies is that cancer is a wily foe for the immune system. Tumors have multiple lines of defense against our immune cells' attempts to attack them. Although our ...
Aug 9, 2016