Autism spectrum disorders

How parents can help autistic children make sense of their world

Glenn, a high-functioning seventeen-year-old with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), comes home from school and tells his mother at dinner, "Allen was mean today." His mother debates what to do. Should she ask for more details ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Autism Speaks issues special report

Autism Speaks today issued the first in a series of annual, in-depth reports on special topics in autism. Autism and Health: Advances in Understanding and Treating the Health Conditions that Frequently Accompany Autism gathers ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Improving social skills in kids with autism

Waving goodbye and blowing kisses—no parent wants to miss out on those special moments. Among the 1 percent of the population of the United States who are diagnosed with autism, however, these small but important gestures ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Money a barrier to independence for young adults with autism

More than 3 million people in the United States are estimated to have an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis and annual diagnosis rates continue to rise. Researchers from the University of Missouri have found when teenagers ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Thousands of people with autism join new online genetic study

Autism has a strong genetic component. To date, approximately 50 genes have been identified that almost certainly play a role in autism, and researchers estimate that at least an additional 300 are involved. But to identify ...

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