Autism spectrum disorders

Testing times – what it's like to sit an exam as an autistic child

It's often said there are too many tests and exams in UK primary schools. And, while there is a general sense that tests can be demanding and stressful for all children, they can be seen as particularly difficult for autistic ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Analysing the way children sleep could help us to understand autism

On average, humans spend roughly a third of their lives asleep. This might sound like quite a long time, but sleep has been shown to be vital for "normal" human functioning. Without enough sleep, things go downhill for most ...

Autism spectrum disorders

New method for the diagnosis of autism found

Auditory hypersensitivity is a major complication in autism. Researchers at Mie University in Japan have demonstrated, using a rat autism model, that morphological abnormality of the auditory pathway is involved in this impairment. ...

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