Autism spectrum disorders

Toy sellers and makers offer more options for autistic kids

Toy stores, with bright lights, loud sounds and crowded aisles, can be hard to manage for children with autism or other sensory issues. For parents, finding toys that match their kids' skill sets and will hold their attention ...

Autism spectrum disorders

As children with autism age, services to help with transition needed

According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in 45 children is diagnosed with autism. As these children age, experiences such as leaving school, finding jobs and living alone can be ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Lab confirms vitamin D link to autism traits

Researchers at The University of Queensland's Queensland Brain Institute have found a link between vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy and increased autism traits.

Autism spectrum disorders

Neuromotor problems at the core of autism, study says

Rutgers neuroscientists have established that problems controlling bodily movements are at the core of autism spectrum disorders and that the use of psychotropic medications to treat autism in children often makes such neuromotor ...


Mutations in life's 'essential genes' tied to autism

Genes known to be essential to life—the ones humans need to survive and thrive in the womb—also play a critical role in the development of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), suggests a new study from Penn Medicine geneticists ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Anxiety measure for children with autism proven reliable

A new method devised by a Drexel University professor to diagnose children on the spectrum for anxiety symptoms—which tend to be masked by symptoms of autism—was proven effective in a recent study.

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