Autism spectrum disorders

Smartphone app for early autism detection being developed

What if someone invented a smartphone app that could help detect autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in children as young as 2 years old? Could it lead to earlier detection and therefore better treatment?

Autism spectrum disorders

Automated assessment of early autism

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is usually diagnosed in early childhood, but genetic detection of this brain disorder could mean more timely interventions that improve life for the patient and their carers. Research published ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Finding the clues for better autism treatments

As a researcher at Harvard Medical School, Christopher W. Cowan, Ph.D., used to watch autistic kids come onto campus to attend a special school.

Autism spectrum disorders

Folinic acid could help children with autism communicate better

Prescription doses of folinic acid, which is a reduced form of a B vitamin known as folate, could help improve the language and communication skills of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). These are the preliminary ...

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