Autism spectrum disorders

Study links autism severity to genetics, ultrasound

For children with autism and a class of genetic disorders, exposure to diagnostic ultrasound in the first trimester of pregnancy is linked to increased autism severity, according to a study by researchers at UW Medicine, ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Zinc found to reverse brain cell changes in autism

Cellular changes in the brain caused by genetic mutations that occur in autism can be reversed by zinc, according to research at the University of Auckland.

Autism spectrum disorders

Chemicals banned decades ago linked to increased autism risk today

Chemicals used in certain pesticides and as insulating material banned in the 1970s may still be haunting us, according to new research that suggests links between higher levels of exposure during pregnancy and significantly ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Timing of autism diagnosis tied to choice of treatment

(HealthDay)—Children diagnosed with autism before age 4 are more likely to get behavioral therapy and less likely to be treated with drugs than those diagnosed later on, a new study says.

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