Autism spectrum disorders

Investigating nutrition in young children with autism

In New Zealand one child in every 100 is diagnosed with a condition on the autism spectrum. It can be a stressful time for families coping with the reality of this diagnosis.

Autism spectrum disorders

For children with autism, trips to the dentist just got easier

Going to the dentist might have just gotten a little less scary for the estimated 1 in 68 U.S. children with autism spectrum disorder as well as children with dental anxiety, thanks to new research from USC.

Autism spectrum disorders

Brain connections give clues to sensory problems in autism

Signals that relay sensations from nerves into the brain are abnormally strong in people with autism. The findings, published 12 March in Brain, may explain why some people with autism are overly sensitive to sensory stimuli ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Age at autism diagnosis differs between boys, girls

Girls are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) later than boys, possibly because females exhibit less severe symptoms, according to a study to be presented Tuesday, April 28 at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Some children lose autism diagnosis but still struggle

About one in 14 toddlers diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) no longer met the diagnostic criteria in elementary school, but most continued to have emotional/behavior symptoms and required special education supports, ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Can a parent's concerns predict autism?

As co-director of the University of Alberta's Autism Research Centre, Lonnie Zwaigenbaum has devoted much of his career to understanding how to identify autism as early as possible. But despite his years of experience, Zwaigenbaum ...

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