Autism spectrum disorders

Researchers discover 'idiosyncratic' brain patterns in autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has been studied for many years, but there are still many more questions than answers. For example, some research into the brain functions of individuals with autism spectrum have found a lack ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Advanced 3-D facial imaging may aid in early detection of autism

Autism is a spectrum of closely related disorders diagnosed in patients who exhibit a shared core of symptoms, including delays in learning to communicate and interact socially. Early detection of autism in children is the ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Brief observations miss autism symptoms in young children

(Medical Xpress)—As the rate of children with autism in the U.S. continues to grow, a new study published today in top-ranked journal Pediatrics shows that medical professionals can't rely solely on their clinical judgment ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Ritual circumcision linked to increased risk of autism in young boys

Research published today by the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine suggests that circumcised boys are more likely than intact boys to develop autism spectrum disorder (ASD) before the age of 10. Risk is particularly ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Children with autism who live with pets are more assertive

Dogs and other pets play an important role in individuals' social lives, and they can act as catalysts for social interaction, previous research has shown. Although much media attention has focused on how dogs can improve ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Fine particulate air pollution linked with increased autism risk

Women exposed to high levels of fine particulate matter specifically during pregnancy—particularly during the third trimester—may face up to twice the risk of having a child with autism than mothers living in areas with ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Retired officer gives autism safety talk across US

A retired police officer from Michigan has made it his mission to educate first-responders and others about how to more effectively interact with people with autism spectrum disorder.

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