
'Mosaic' gene mutations could explain some cases of autism

The causes of autism remain mysterious. Scientists have linked autism spectrum disorder to a long list of genes, but most children with autism have no known explanation. Two new studies add to the picture, implicating mutations ...


'Hidden biological link' among autism genes revealed in study

A new study of autism risk genes by UC San Francisco and UC Berkeley scientists implicates disruption in prenatal neurogenesis—a process in which specialized "progenitor" cells give rise to new brain cells—in the development ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Reducing biases about autism may increase social inclusion

Efforts to improve the social success of autistic adolescents and adults have often focused on teaching them ways to think and behave more like their non-autistic peers and to hide the characteristics that define them as ...


Forming sound memories: Autism gene plays key aspect in birdsong

Inactivating a gene in young songbirds that's closely linked with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) prevents the birds from forming memories necessary to accurately reproduce their fathers' songs, a new study led by UT Southwestern ...

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