Autism spectrum disorders

Some children can 'recover' from autism, but problems often remain

Research in the past several years has shown that children can outgrow a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), once considered a lifelong condition. In a new study, researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Researchers identify role gender-biased protein may play in autism

Researchers at the University of New Hampshire are one step closer to helping answer the question of why autism is four times more common in boys than in girls after identifying and characterizing the connection of certain ...

Autism spectrum disorders

A smartphone app to treat and track autism

Diagnosing autism can take half a day or more of clinical observation, and that's the quick part – often, families wait years just to get to that point. Now, in hopes of speeding things up, Stanford researchers are developing ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Autism: Brain activity as a biomarker

Researchers from Jülich, Switzerland, France, the Netherlands, and the U.K. have discovered specific activity patterns in the brains of people with autism. These consistent patterns of functional connectivity might be used ...


First common risk genes discovered for autism

A study headed by researchers from the Danish project iPSYCH and the Broad Institute in the U.S., has found the first common genetic risk variants for autism and uncovered genetic differences in clinical subgroups of autism. ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Brain response to mom's voice differs in kids with autism

For most children, the sound of their mother's voice triggers brain activity patterns distinct from those triggered by an unfamiliar voice. But the unique brain response to mom's voice is greatly diminished in children with ...

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