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Cardiology news


Cancer drug could be used to save the limbs of peripheral artery disease patients, pre-clinical study suggests

Researchers at the Heart Research Institute (HRI) have made a new discovery, finding an existing drug used to kill tumor cells in cancer patients could also be used to save the limbs of patients with blocked arteries in their ...


Extracorporeal blood purification can cut cardiac surgery-associated AKI

For patients undergoing nonemergent cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), use of an extracorporeal blood purification (EBP) device is associated with a lower rate of cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury (CSA-AKI), according ...


What happens to your body when you have obstructive sleep apnea?

Dr. Virend Somers, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist with a focus on sleep apnea, says it's a serious medical condition that can cause heart problems and other health issues. Dr. Somers co-authored a study published in the Journal ...


Early aldosterone levels linked to heart risk in youth

Unprecedented access to a unique group of Australians is allowing researchers to study links between raised aldosterone levels and elevated cardiovascular risk in various age groups—with important findings for heart health. ...


How excessive daytime sleepiness can affect heart health

If you have a difficult time staying awake and alert during the day, you may be experiencing excessive daytime sleepiness. Dr. Virend Somers, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist with a focus on sleep medicine, explains the difference ...


Flipping a molecular switch for heart fibrosis

A healthy heart is a pliable, ever-moving organ. But under stress—from injury, cardiovascular disease, or aging—the heart thickens and stiffens in a process known as fibrosis, which involves diffuse scar-like tissue. ...


Novel lncRNA 'Caren' counteracts heart failure progression

A research collaboration based in Kumamoto University (Japan) has identified a novel lncRNA, Caren, that is abundantly expressed in cardiomyocytes. They showed that it enhances energy production by increasing the number of ...


Your BMI as a teen could affect your health into adulthood

A high body mass index (BMI) during adolescence is a significant risk factor for Type 2 diabetes, early heart attack and overall poorer health for young adults, regardless of BMI in adulthood, according to a research letter ...


Lowering the cost of heart cell therapies

Suffering from the number one cause of death, patients with heart disease are in desperate need of new therapies. However, these new therapies rely on research using heart cells, which are not easy to access. In response, ...


Too many older Americans are taking daily aspirin

(HealthDay)—Many older adults are still taking a daily baby aspirin to ward off first-time heart problems—despite guidelines that now discourage it, a new study finds.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New protocol aims for early extubation in cardiac surgery patients

(HealthDay)—The Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control quality improvement approach can be used to increase the rate of early extubation in adults following cardiac surgery, according to a study published in the ...


Sleep apnea worsens heart disease, yet often untreated

Health care experts urge increased awareness of obstructive sleep apnea among people with cardiovascular disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure, according to a new scientific statement from the American Heart ...


A link between walking speed and dual tasking after stroke

Research has found that training stroke survivors to walk at a faster speed during recovery can help improve the brain function that enables people to walk and perform another task simultaneously, known as dual-task walking. ...


Study shows registry data could support clinical trials

Data captured in NCDR registries is similar in quality, depth and granularity when compared to data captured through clinical trials, according to research in JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions that compared data from the ...