More women, children now on lifesaving HIV treatment worldwide

The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) applauds today's announcement from the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) that the goal of providing 15 million people with lifesaving antiretroviral ...


Ban says world on way to 'generation free of AIDS'

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Tuesday the world was headed for a "generation free of AIDS", after UNAIDS reported a 35-percent drop in new HIV infections from 15 years ago.


Researcher detects traces of HIV in the city

Since the treatment has become available, HIV is often described as "undetectable" and the risk of transmission has been drastically reduced. However, the epidemic is still quite present in the lives of many gay and bisexual ...


Bill Gates hopeful of AIDS vaccine in 10 years

Billionaire and philanthropist Bill Gates, who spends millions of dollars on AIDS drug development, said Friday he hoped for a vaccine against the disease within the next decade as a cure remains far off.


Suit claims AIDS foundation scammed Medicare for $20M

A lawsuit filed in South Florida federal court alleges one of the nation's largest suppliers of HIV and AIDS medical care bilked federal Medicare and Medicaid programs in a $20 million scam that spanned 12 states.


Health groups say AIDS No. 1 killer of adolescents in Africa

The 16-year-old Kenyan girl found out she was HIV-positive and pregnant at a clinic in the Korogocho slums two years ago. She still isn't sure how she contracted the virus—her mother died from AIDS-related complications ...

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