Fauci says COVID diverted resources from fighting AIDS

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top U.S. infectious disease expert, said Tuesday the COVID-19 pandemic has diverted scientific and financial resources from the fight against AIDS, seriously impeding global efforts to achieve the U.N. ...


HIV cases in children dropping but still too slowly, UN says

The United Nations children's agency says the number of youths living with HIV could drop by about one-third to 1.9 million between now and 2030, while children dying each year from AIDS-related causes could drop by nearly ...


Health groups urge Congress not to allow AIDS fight to wane

A coalition of nearly 40 advocacy groups said Wednesday they're concerned about the Trump administration's commitment to the global fight against AIDS so they're urging senior members of Congress to make sure money for key ...


How HIV became a matter of international security

Richard Holbrooke sat in a blue striped chair in the meeting room of the United Nations Security Council. It was a rainy, unseasonably warm January day in New York City, just ten days into the new millennium. Many people ...


Prince Harry and Elton John speak out at AIDS summit

Britain's Prince Harry and Sir Elton John shared a stage in South Africa on Thursday, warning that complacency threatened efforts to defeat AIDS and urging young people to lead the fight.


Global AIDS gains 'inadequate and fragile,' UN chief says

Actress Charlize Theron, singer Elton John and Prince Harry are joining researchers, activists and policy makers at a global AIDS conference in South Africa this week to debate ways to better treat and prevent the disease.

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