
Re-examining antibodies' role in childhood allergies

The presence of food-specific IgA antibodies in the gut does not prevent peanut or egg allergies from developing in children, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published in Science Translational Medicine.


90% of penicillin allergy labels in Hong Kong found to be false

A collaborative research team led by Dr. Philip Li from the LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong (HKUMed) has pioneered a new nurse-led penicillin allergy triage and testing strategy—the Hong Kong Drug Allergy ...


Lowest pollen counts occur between 4:00 a.m. and noon

If you are allergic to pollen, you've probably wondered if certain times of day are better than others for going outside during pollen season. A new study being presented at this year's American College of Allergy, Asthma ...


Managing eczema in babies: five things to know

Eczema—atopic dermatitis—is common in babies and can be stressful for parents to manage. An article in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) outlines practical tips to manage this condition.


Q&A: All about food allergies and intolerances

I'm a grandmother to three wonderful grandchildren. My oldest grandchild is lactose intolerant. Recently, my youngest grandchild was diagnosed with a peanut allergy. What is the difference between food intolerance and allergy?


How to keep kids with food allergies safe during Halloween

Halloween can be a particularly difficult time for kids with food allergies since many common candies contain one or more common allergens. The consequences can be dangerous and traumatic for kids who accidentally consume ...

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