Psychology & Psychiatry

Therapy helps children with food allergies manage severe anxiety

Imagine a young girl with a peanut allergy, so stricken by fear of anaphylaxis that she no longer takes part in everyday activities many children take for granted. She's stopped playing with her siblings, worried that residue ...


Links between parents' and children's asthma and allergies

New research found that, compared with a father's traits related to allergies and asthma, a mother's traits create a higher risk that a child will develop these same traits in early childhood. By the time the children were ...

Medical research

Cow's milk protein beta-lactoglobulin prevents allergies

Numerous studies have shown that growing up on a farm and drinking natural, unprocessed cow's milk in early childhood protects against the development of immunoglobulins E (IgE), which are responsible for allergy symptoms. ...

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