
New drug inclacumab reduces heart damage

A single dose of an investigational anti-inflammatory drug called inclacumab considerably reduces damage to heart muscle during angioplasty (the opening of a blocked artery), according to a recent international clinical trial ...


Cardiac shock wave therapy improves angina symptoms

(HealthDay) -- Cardiac shock wave therapy (CSWT) can significantly improve symptoms, ischemic threshold during exercise, and specific quality-of-life parameters for patients with chronic refractory angina pectoris, according ...


Heavy new arguments weigh in on the danger of obesity

A true obesity epidemic is gradually advancing throughout the developed world. A large new Danish-British study from the University of Copenhagen and University of Bristol documents for the first time a definite correlation ...


Sudden chest pain: What is angina pectoris?

That feeling of crushing pain in your chest can be a medical emergency, but it can also be angina pectoris, or "stable angina"—a symptom of coronary heart disease that can be managed with medication.

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