
Are ACL tears really more common in women?

It may be hard to remember a time when it was uncommon for girls and women to play competitive sports, but it's not exactly ancient history. The 1972 passage of Title IX, which mandated equal access for women to participate ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

'Kneeding' a break: First evidence ACL injuries an overuse failure

Repetitive knee stress and failure to accommodate sufficient rest between periods of strenuous exercise may be key factors behind the rapid rise in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries in world sport, a new international ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Does platelet-rich plasma therapy lower risk of meniscus repair

The use of platelet-rich plasma therapy can reduce the risk of a second meniscus failure after operation but does not seem to protect patients who have had surgery to repair an anterior cruciate ligament, according to research ...


Researchers explore augmented ACL reconstruction procedure

An innovative procedure that explores the use of amnion, bone marrow concentrate and suture tape in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction may result in earlier return to play protocols for athletes, suggests a new ...


Young athletes may need one-year break after knee surgery

After surgical reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament, young athletes are now recommended to undergo at least a year's rehab and thorough testing before resuming knee-strenuous sport. Research shows that those who ...


New therapy needed for two forms of painful joint condition

A new collaborative study led by The University of Western Australia has found that a painful joint condition called arthrofibrosis that can result from traumatic injury or surgery may come in two forms which should be treated ...

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