
Spotting asthma in your baby or toddler

(HealthDay)—Diagnosing babies and toddlers with asthma is challenging, because it's difficult to measure lung function in this young group. What makes diagnosis easier is knowing your child's symptoms.


'Smart' asthma inhaler sensors improve pediatric asthma control

Sensor-based inhalers integrated into health care providers' clinical workflows may help improve medication adherence and support children with asthma—and their families—to more effectively manage this condition, according ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Cleaning product use affecting asthma more during COVID-19 measures

Those with asthma are experiencing less asthma control related to an increase in using household disinfectants—known asthma triggers—because of COVID-19, according to a survey co-conducted by University of Illinois Chicago ...

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