
Brain food: Preventing a stroke through dietary choices

You might not remember what you ate for breakfast yesterday, but your body certainly does. For better or worse, your dietary history is embedded in your body. It's in your bones, gut, heart, blood, and brain. All the breakfasts, ...


What is cardiovascular disease?

Cardiovascular disease is a general term that refers to many different types of heart problems.


Q&A: New thesis on acute Achilles tendon rupture

Simon Svedman from the Karolinska Institutet research group Orthopedics at the Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, will defend his thesis "Acute Achilles tendon rupture: predictors for outcome and plan for intervention" ...


Magnetic microrobots remove blood clots from sheep iliac artery

Researchers at the TechMed Center of the University of Twente and Radboud University Medical Center have removed blood clots with wireless magnetic robots. This innovation promises to transform treatment for life-threatening ...

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A thrombus (Greek θρόμβος), or blood clot, is the final product of the blood coagulation step in hemostasis. It is achieved via the aggregation of platelets that form a platelet plug, and the activation of the humoral coagulation system (i.e. clotting factors). A thrombus is normal in cases of injury, but pathologic in instances of thrombosis.

Mural thrombi are thrombi adherent to the vessel wall. They are not occlusive and affect large vessels, such as heart and aorta. Grossly they appear grey-red with alternating light and dark lines (lines of Zahn) which represent bands of fibrin (darker) with entrapped white blood cells and red blood cells (lighter).

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