Oncology & Cancer

Study redefines brain tumor diagnosis and treatment

Not all brain cancers are the same but together they represent a deadly disease that has been difficult to identify and treat. Scientists at multiple institutions have found a new way of classifying brain cancers that could ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study discovers new method of classifying low-grade brain tumors

A Case Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCCC) brain surgeon and neurosurgery professor is among the primary authors of a new approach to classifying tumors that could lead to significant improvements in their diagnosis and treatment. ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study provides comprehensive look at brain cancer treatments

Led by the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) and UC San Francisco (UCSF), a comprehensive genetic review of treatment strategies for glioblastoma brain tumors was published today in the Oxford University Press ...

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists discover key factor in brain cancer resistance

Researchers at the NFCR Center for Cancer System Informatics at MD Anderson Cancer Center have discovered a key factor that may explain drug resistance in glioblastoma (GBM), the most common and deadliest form of brain cancer.

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