Psychology & Psychiatry

Parental burnout hits individualist Western countries hardest

Does the incidence of parental burnout depend on a country's culture? This question was at the heart of the first international study on the subject for which hundreds of scientists in 42 countries mobilized. In other words, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Nurse burnout remains an issue in the United States

(HealthDay)—Burnout remains a significant problem among U.S. nurses who leave their job or are considering leaving their job, according to a study published online Feb. 4 in JAMA Network Open.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Depression linked to suicidal ideation among physicians

Depression, but not physician burnout, is associated with suicidal ideation among physicians, while burnout is associated with increased self-reported medical errors, according to a study published online Dec. 9 in JAMA Network ...


Lack of sleep tied to physician burnout, medical errors

Sleep-related impairment among physicians is associated with increased burnout, decreased professional fulfillment, and increased self-reported clinically significant medical error, according to a study published online Dec. ...

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