
Critical pediatric heart deaths drop by 24% at PC4 hospitals

Eighteen pediatric heart centers were able to significantly reduce deaths and improve care for children with critical heart conditions after committing to transparent data sharing between one another, a new study suggests.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Predicting vulnerability to Alzheimer's disease and delirium

Marked by acute temporary confusion, disorientation and/or agitation, postoperative delirium is the most common post-surgical complication in older adults, striking as many as half of adults older than 65 who undergo high-risk ...


Study eyes 'silent' stroke threat after surgery

Seniors who suffered a 'silent stroke' after surgery faced double the risk of dementia or further strokes than those patients who did not have a stroke, according to a recent Western-led international study. These findings ...


'Silent' strokes common after surgery, researchers find

Canadian researchers have discovered that covert—or 'silent' - strokes are common in seniors after they have elective, non-cardiac surgery and double their risk of cognitive decline one year later.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Dickkopf-related protein 3 (DKK3) predicts AKI

A new renal biomarker was presented at the ERA-EDTA Congress last year that shows that urinary DKK3 might help to identify patients who are at risk of progressive chronic kidney disease (CKD).

Medical research

Damaged lungs regenerated in study

A new technique to rehabilitate lungs that are too damaged to be considered for transplant could benefit an increasing population of patients with end-stage lung disease.

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