
Research says fad diets don't work: Why are they so popular?

Two years into a pandemic that landed people in their living rooms, generating countless hours of television binging and stress eating, the nation has a new problem to worry about: Nearly half of U.S. adults, many already ...

Medical research

Study: High lifetime risk of celiac disease in Sweden

In a nationwide study of more than 44,000 patients with celiac disease and 412,000 individuals with a normal small intestinal mucosa, researchers at Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, Calgary University in Canada, Columbia University ...


New drug shows real promise against celiac disease

An experimental drug can prevent intestinal damage caused by celiac disease, an early trial has found—raising hopes that it could become the first medication for the serious digestive disorder.


5 reasons to see a gastroenterologist

If you regularly experience common ailments—like heartburn or stomachaches that don't improve with over-the-counter medications, or you have severe pain or other symptoms—a gastroenterologist could help.

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