
Risk of obesity influenced by changes in our genes

These changes, known as epigenetic modifications, control the activity of our genes without changing the actual DNA sequence. One of the main epigenetic modifications is DNA methylation, which plays a key role in embryonic ...

Overweight & Obesity

Can childhood obesity be prevented before conception?

A Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and MetroHealth System researcher, along with Cleveland Clinic's director of metabolic research, have received federal funding to determine if childhood obesity can be ...


Fruit juice for kids: A serving a day OK

(HealthDay)—Pediatricians have long suggested that fruit juice may prompt weight gain in children, but a new review finds it harmless when consumed in moderation.


Maternal hyperglycemia ups offspring cardiometabolic risk

(HealthDay)—Maternal hyperglycemia during pregnancy is associated with increased risk of abnormal glucose tolerance, obesity, and increased blood pressure (BP) in offspring, independent of maternal obesity, according to ...

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