Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Constipation may be a marker for dementia risk

Chronic constipation may not only be an indicator of gut health, but a potential warning sign of thinking declines, a preliminary study suggests.


New drug target to treat pain from visceral organs

An approved drug for chronic constipation also relieves the pain associated with that condition. New research by Scott Waldman, MD, Ph.D., chair of pharmacology, physiology and cancer biology at Jefferson, demonstrates that ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Is it Parkinson's? These 10 signs could tell

Parkinson's disease can be hard for the average person to identify, but 10 warning signs may offer an early clue that you or a loved one may be developing the disease.


Consumer Health: Dealing with constipation

Nearly everyone deals with constipation at one time or another. About 16 in 100 adults, and 33 in 100 adults over 60, have symptoms of constipation, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney ...


Elobixibat improves constipation in chronic kidney disease

For patients with moderate- to end-stage chronic kidney disease, elobixibat is associated with improvement in constipation and lipid metabolism, according to a study recently published in Frontiers in Medicine.

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