
Exploring dental health sensing using a sonic toothbrush

Dental hygiene is an important component to the overall health of a person. Early detection of dental disease is crucial in preventing adverse outcomes. While X-rays are currently the most accurate gold standard for dental ...


Oil pulling for oral health: To swish or not to swish?

After scrolling social media, you might be tempted to ditch your typical oral care regimen in favor of melted coconut oil, or other similar oils, for a practice known as oil pulling. A method of traditional Ayurvedic medicine ...


Clean hands save lives, so wash up, expert says

You don't have to remind David Levine, UC Berkeley professor of business administration, to carry hand sanitizer and wash his hands thoroughly with soap. But why do many of us—from children to adults—lack these habits, ...


A study proves oral health improves diabetes

A clinical study conducted by researchers of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the UB shows that control of type 2 diabetes improves when the patient attends to dental hygiene.

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Oral hygiene is the practice of keeping the mouth and teeth clean to prevent dental problems, especially the common dental caries and gingivitis, and bad breath. There are oral pathologic conditions in which a good oral hygiene is required for healing and regeneration of the oral tissues. These conditions included gingivitis, periodontitis, dental traumas such as subluxation, oral cysts, and after wisdom tooth extraction.

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