Obstetrics & gynaecology

Menopausal palpitations causing distress

Many menopausal women report having palpitation distress. The likelihood of women reporting palpitation distress was higher with worse insomnia, depressive symptoms, perceived stress, and menopausal quality of life (QOL) ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

People with depression fare worse in heart health study

Heart disease and depression are interwoven, and a new study is helping unravel that connection by linking depression with poorer scores on seven important measures of heart health.


Does air pollution affect mental health later in life?

In a study of women aged 80 years and older, living in locations with higher exposures to air pollution was associated with increased depressive symptoms. The findings are published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics ...

Overweight & Obesity

Dieting and weight worries on rise in teens

Significantly higher numbers of Generation Z boys and girls in the UK are dieting to lose weight, and are likely to overestimate their own weight, finds a new UCL-led study.

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