
Abusive head injury: An epidemiological perspective

Abusive head injury, sometimes referred to as shaken baby syndrome or non-accidental trauma (NAT), is the third leading cause of head injuries in small children in the US. For children under the age of 1 year, it is the cause ...


Childhood concussions impair brain function

A new study finds that pre-adolescent children who have sustained sports-related concussions have impaired brain function two years following injury.


Doctor-patient relationship is key to reducing CT scan overuse

One in every three CT scans performed on patients with minor head injury is not medically necessary. The American College of Emergency Physicians has identified CT overuse as the top priority for minimizing wasteful and unnecessary ...


Assessing traumatic brain injuries

UConn researchers are working with college athletes to test a new device that can quickly assess concussions and other traumatic brain injuries.

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