
Discussing hearing problems in veterans

Veterans often suffer brain injuries that impair hearing. As part of Deaf Awareness Week, Caroline Brogan spoke to an expert on the subject.


Healthy diet may lower risk of hearing loss in women

Hearing loss affects approximately 48 million Americans. Some evidence suggests that diet may influence risk of hearing loss. Previous studies have looked at how specific nutrients affect risk, but the relation of overall ...


Many parents miss speech disorders in young kids

(HealthDay)—Many parents don't recognize the signs of speech and language problems in children, or don't know that early treatment is important, a new survey finds.


Drinking may worsen hearing loss at loud concerts

(HealthDay)—High-decibel music blasting at big concert venues is a known cause of short-term hearing loss. But new research suggests drinking doesn't help matters, with drunk concertgoers actually moving closer to loudspeakers.


Children with hearing loss face more bullying

New UT Dallas research indicates that children and adolescents with hearing loss experience higher rates of peer victimization, or bullying, than children with typical hearing.


Reorganization of brain outputs in deaf cats

Cats deaf from an early age have increased outgoing connections from the auditory cortex to a midbrain region responsible for directing the animal to a particular location in its environment. The study, published in JNeurosci, ...

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