
What is Ryeqo, the recently approved medicine for endometriosis?

For women diagnosed with endometriosis it is often a long sentence of chronic pain and cramping that impacts their daily life. It is a condition that is both difficult to diagnose and treat, with many women needing either ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Revealing global barriers to curative hep C treatment access

Almost 90% of the 57 million people living with hepatitis C live in low- and middle-income countries, but only half of these countries currently provide curative treatments at an accessible cost, according to a study by UNSW ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Addressing the need to treat hepatitis C in pregnancy and infancy

Driven by the ongoing opioid epidemic and the sharing of needles, hepatitis C cases have been rising in the United States over the last decade, with the highest infection rates among young adults, including women of childbearing ...


Increase in hepatitis A vaccination needed to prevent deaths

Nearly two-thirds of those with hepatitis A virus (HAV)-related deaths have at least one documented indication for HAV vaccine, and only 4% have evidence of vaccination, according to research published in the Oct. 20 issue ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New care model delivers hepatitis C treatment to most vulnerable

Breakthrough treatments introduced over the last decade have transformed hepatitis C from a chronic and potentially deadly infectious disease into one that can be cured. But these medications have often been beyond the reach ...

Oncology & Cancer

Liver cancer: Risk factors and prevention

October is Liver Cancer Awareness Month, which makes this a good time to learn more about risk factors for liver cancer and what you can do to prevent it.

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