Researchers identify novel factor in HIV transmission

University of Virginia School of Medicine researchers have found long-sought answers to questions about HIV transmission, and those findings could lead to new ways to prevent the disease's spread.


HIV antibodies protect animals in proof-of-concept study

Three different HIV antibodies each independently protected monkeys from acquiring simian-HIV (SHIV) in a placebo-controlled proof-of-concept study intended to inform development of a preventive HIV vaccine for people. The ...


Unlocking the mechanisms of HIV in preclinical research

Mayo Clinic researchers have unraveled the molecular mechanisms that affect which cells infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) die and which survive, a discovery heralded as a step toward eliminating all HIV-infected ...


Higher viral load during HIV infection can shape viral evolution

A new paper in Molecular Biology and Evolution finds that HIV populations in people with higher viral loads also have higher rates of viral recombination. In effect, the more HIV in the blood, the easier it is for the virus ...

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