Obstetrics & gynaecology

Higher risk of future fecal incontinence after sphincter injuries

The risk of subsequent fecal incontinence and intestinal gas leakage is significantly higher among women who, during childbirth, have suffered a sphincter injury and consequent damage to the anal sphincter muscle, was shown ...


NHS urged not to spend money on expensive incontinence devices

An international team of experts led by Glasgow Caledonian, and including the University of Exeter, have found no evidence that expensive biofeedback devices used in the treatment of urinary incontinence in women make any ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study shows notable outcomes with cryoablation and prostate cancer

A less-invasive treatment technique called hemi-gland cryoablation (HGCryo)—destroying the areas of the prostate where cancers are located by freezing them—provides a high rate of effective prostate cancer control, according ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Overcoming 'leaky bladder' in groups

More than 55 percent of women age 60 and over suffer from urinary incontinence, or "leaky bladder," a serious condition that limits their daily activities and increases their risk of isolation and leading a sedentary lifestyle.

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