Oncology & Cancer

How one type of lung cancer can transform into another

Lung tumors called adenocarcinomas sometimes respond to initially effective treatments by transforming into a much more aggressive small cell lung cancer (SCLC) that spreads rapidly and has few options for treatment. Researchers ...


Predicting correct dosage may improve success of drug repurposing

Before a drug can be used to treat a disease, it must go through a lengthy and expensive trial process to prove both safety and effectiveness. By repurposing already-approved drugs, researchers can cut out the time and expense ...


Genomic study links cannabis abuse to multiple health problems

A Yale-led analysis of the genomes of more than 1 million people has shed light on the underlying biology of cannabis use disorder and its links to psychiatric disorders, abuse of other substances such as tobacco, and possibly ...

Oncology & Cancer

High lung cancer rates in naval veterans linked to asbestos

A University of Adelaide and Oxford University study has discovered asbestos exposure led to a higher incidence of asbestos-related lung cancers in British and Australian naval personnel than in other armed forces.

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