Medical research

Mapping the destructive path from cigarette to emphysema

From the cherry red tip of a lighted cigarette through the respiratory tract to vital lung cells, the havoc created by tobacco smoke seems almost criminal, activating genes and portions of the immune system to create inflammation ...


Problems with a gastric band

As the number of people having gastric bands fitted to lose weight increases, so will the number of complications associated with the procedure. A Case Report published Online First by the Lancet details the problems experienced ...

Medical research

Reversing smoke-induced damage and disease in the lung

By studying mice exposed to tobacco smoke for a period of months, researchers have new insight into how emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) develops. In the October 14th issue of Cell they also report ...

Medical research

Progression of lung fibrosis blocked in mouse model

A study by researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine may lead to a way to prevent the progression, or induce the regression, of lung injury that results from use of the anti-cancer chemotherapy ...

Medical research

Statins may stave off septic lung damage says new research study

Statins may be best known for their ability to reduce cholesterol, but a research report appearing in the May 2011 issue of the Journal of Leukocyte Biology shows that these same drugs could also play a crucial role in the ...

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