Oncology & Cancer

Making milestones against non-small cell lung cancer

Hard to detect in its early stages and hard to treat as it advances, lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality around the world, with an estimated 1.6 million deaths each year. New treatments, however, are bettering ...


The immune cells that help tumors instead of destroying them

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-associated deaths. One of the most promising ways to treat it is by immunotherapy, a strategy that turns the patient's immune system against the tumor. In the past twenty years, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Deadly lung cancers are driven by multiple genetic changes

A new UC San Francisco-led study challenges the dogma in oncology that most cancers are caused by one dominant "driver" mutation that can be treated in isolation with a single targeted drug. Instead, the new research finds ...

Oncology & Cancer

Possible new immune therapy target in lung cancer

A study from Bern University Hospital in collaboration with the University of Bern shows that so-called perivascular-like cells from lung tumors behave abnormally. They not only inadequately support vascular structures, but ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study challenges long-standing concept in cancer metabolism

Scientists at the Children's Medical Center Research Institute at UT Southwestern (CRI) have discovered that lactate provides a fuel for growing tumors, challenging a nearly century-old observation known as the Warburg effect.

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