Psychology & Psychiatry

Connection between alcohol use and depression could aid treatment

For people with psychiatric disorders, comorbidity—or the presence of two or more disorders in a single patient—is quite common. One of the most common comorbidities is alcohol use disorder and major depressive disorder. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Major depressive disorder blamed for major diseases

Major depressive disorder—referred to colloquially as the 'black dog' – has been identified as a genetic cause for 20 distinct diseases, providing vital information to help detect and manage high rates of physical illnesses ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Simple blood test can help diagnose bipolar disorder

Researchers have developed a new way of improving diagnosis of bipolar disorder that uses a simple blood test to identify biomarkers associated with the condition.


NSAID improves vascular health in adults with severe depression

Science has long established a link between depression and cardiovascular disease, but the precise nature of the connection is less clear. In a new proof-of-concept study, researchers worked to zero in on the mechanism behind ...

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