Psychology & Psychiatry

How excessive heat can affect your mental health

As Americans sweat through another scorching summer, one expert warns that while extreme heat can cause physical harm, it can also wreak havoc with your mental health.

Psychology & Psychiatry

How to know when it's time to start therapy

People go to therapy for many reasons. A challenging life event, trauma, volatile emotions, relationship problems, poor mental health: all can prompt someone to seek it out.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

How did mental health parity laws affect new moms?

Pregnant and postpartum women with depression and anxiety have a slightly better chance of getting psychotherapy these days, a new study finds. And they are paying less of their own money when they do.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Want to feel less stressed? Try the Mediterranean diet

Following the Mediterranean diet versus the traditional Western diet might make you feel like you're under less stress, according to new research conducted by a team from Binghamton University, State University of New York.

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