Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Can lithium halt progression of Alzheimer's disease?

There remains a controversy in scientific circles today regarding the value of lithium therapy in treating Alzheimer's disease. Much of this stems from the fact that because the information gathered to date has been obtained ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Why do people develop chronic pain?

Mood disorders and the discovery of a pain signalling organ in the skin could explain why chronic pain occurs—and how to treat it.


Inflammation predicts response to antidepression medication

Children and teens with bipolar depression responded better to an antipsychotic medicine if they had increased markers of inflammation in their blood, a new University of Wisconsin–Madison study shows.


VA, DoD update guideline for rehabilitation after stroke

(HealthDay)—In a systematic review and clinical practice guideline, published online Nov. 19 in Annals of Internal Medicine, recommendations from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the U.S. Department of Defense ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How much do obesity and addictions overlap?

A large analysis of personality studies has found that people with obesity behave somewhat like people with addictions to alcohol or drugs. But obesity is also a complex condition that cannot be fully explained by the addiction ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain scans may provide clues to suicide risk

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago and the University of Utah Health have identified brain circuitry differences that might be associated with suicidal behavior in individuals with mood disorders. The study, ...

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