Oncology & Cancer

Researchers identify an Achilles' heel in neuroblastoma

Neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer that develops from neural cells on the adrenal glands, accounts for 15% of childhood cancer deaths. Almost half of children with high-risk neuroblastoma harbor extra copies of the gene MYCN ...

Oncology & Cancer

Two antibodies synergize in triple whammy to pediatric cancers

A combination of anti-cancer antibodies produced a powerfully synergistic response in two hard-to-treat pediatric cancers, according to a new study, in mice, led by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine.

Oncology & Cancer

Successful treatment in mice for severe childhood cancer

In mice with high-risk neuroblastoma, tumors disappeared in response to a new combination treatment with precision medicines, a recent study from University of Gothenburg researchers shows. This is a vital step toward a potentially ...

Oncology & Cancer

Childhood cancer: 3 most common types

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, which makes this a good time to learn about three of the most common types of cancers in children: acute lymphocytic leukemia, neuroblastoma and pediatric brain tumors.

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