
My brain made me do it, but does that matter?

Imagine that Brian promises to drive you to the airport but never shows up, and you miss your flight. When you confront Brian, he tells you that he remembered his promise but decided to watch a movie instead. Would you be ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Wealth, power or lack thereof at heart of many mental disorders

Donald Trump's ego may be the size of his financial empire, but that doesn't mean he's the picture of mental health. The same can be said about the self-esteem of people who are living from paycheck to paycheck, or unemployed. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How early trauma influences behavior

Traumatic and stressful events during childhood increase the risk to develop psychiatric disorders, but to a certain extent, they can also help better deal with difficult situations later in life. Researchers have studied ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Problem gambling, personality disorders often go hand in hand

The treatment of people who cannot keep their gambling habits in check is often complicated because they also tend to suffer from personality disorders. So says Meredith Brown of Monash University in Australia, in a review ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Understanding the impact of parents' mental illness

Research from the University of Adelaide has found that the children of parents suffering from an emotionally unstable form of personality disorder are at risk of developing behavioural and emotional issues - but the children ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

A new treatment for borderline personality disorder

A group of Swiss investigators reports on a new type of psychotherapy for borderline personality disorder in the current issue of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Does depression require hospitalization?

A study published in the current issue of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics has analyzed the difference between day hospital and inpatient stay in depression. Depending on the severity of depression, patients may be treated ...

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