Obstetrics & gynaecology

Misunderstood mothers-to-be internalise stress

The role that stigma around mental health plays in the stress of a pregnancy – and birth complications - has been thrust into the spotlight by a study from researchers at The University of Queensland.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Antidepressants beneficial for women with postnatal depression

Antidepressants are associated with better rates of treatment response and remission for women with postnatal depression, when compared to a placebo, according to a new systematic review by the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Help is just a call away for mothers with postnatal depression

New research reveals that telephone-based peer support may help reduce postnatal depression, also known as postpartum depression, in new mothers. Findings published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing also found that social ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Myths vs. realities of early parenthood

Becoming a parent is commonly imagined to be a joyful and "natural" life event. The reality is often very different. In the early weeks and months of life with a first baby, parents must master new skills including nappy ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Free help for expecting and new mums at risk of depression

With postnatal depression affecting almost one in seven women giving birth in Australia, QUT and the White Cloud Foundation have launched an innovative model of care to provide early access to treatment for expecting and ...

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