Psychology & Psychiatry

Postpartum psychosis big risk for mothers with bipolar disorder

Pregnant women with bipolar disorder and their families and physicians should be aware of a significantly higher risk for developing postpartum psychosis, according to a new Northwestern Medicine review of literature on the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Postpartum depression can be ID'd during infant hospitalization

(HealthDay)—Postpartum depression screening conducted during infant hospitalization can identify depression among previously unscreened women, according to a study published online Aug. 16 in the Journal of Hospital Medicine.

Psychology & Psychiatry

New study links risk factors to variations in postpartum depression

A new study shows that depression following childbirth can begin at different times and follow multiple distinct trajectories, emphasizing the need for clinicians to monitor for signs of postpartum depression and be aware ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Postpartum depression least severe form of depression in mothers

Postpartum depression—a household term since actress Brooke Shields went public in 2005 about her struggle with it—is indeed serious. But depression that begins before or during pregnancy is often more severe because ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Screening for postpartum depression—research review and update

Mothers of new babies should undergo screening for postpartum depression—preferably across healthcare locations and at multiple times up to one year after delivery, according to a research review in the Harvard Review of ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

iPhone app helps to power study of postpartum depression risk

About one in eight women experience postpartum depression, and a similar proportion experience depression during pregnancy, but psychiatrists still don't know enough about what contributes to the risk. In a major new study, ...

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