Psychology & Psychiatry

New postpartum depression drug comes with hefty price tag

A new drug to treat postpartum depression will cost nearly $16,000 for a 14-day course of treatment, a price tag that has doctors worried that some patients won't be able to afford the medication.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Fathers should be screened for postpartum depression, study suggests

Dads can suffer from postpartum depression, and a new pilot study at the University of Illinois Chicago suggests they can and should be screened for the condition. Given the intertwined effects of mothers' and fathers' physical ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Will a pill help new moms bounce back from postpartum depression?

Baby blues occurs in most new mothers, but 1 in 6 will go on to develop the more crushing symptoms of postpartum depression, which in severe and rare cases can lead to psychosis, and, in offspring, insecure attachment, difficulty ...

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