Psychology & Psychiatry

Inflammatory bowel disease may up risk for psychiatric disorders

(HealthDay)—Adult-onset inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is associated with an increased risk for psychiatric disorders and suicide attempts, according to a study published online Feb. 26 in the Journal of Crohn's and Colitis.


Study links genes with function across the human brain

Many psychiatric disorders have genetic causes, but the exact mechanism of how genes influence higher brain function remains a mystery. A new study provides a map linking the genetic signature of functions across the human ...


Deciphering the genetics behind eating disorders

Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder are the three main eating disorders that 4 out of 10 individuals living in Western Europe will experience at some point in their lives. In recent years, studies ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How you can help prevent teen suicide

In a 2018 survey, about 16% of Kentucky students said they had considered ending their own life. During the pandemic, healthcare providers have seen an increase in psychiatric disorders and suicidal thoughts and behaviors ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

What are the links between violence and mental illness?

When there is news of a violent attack, we sometimes hear that it could be related to mental illness—which may make us ask whether the violence could have been predicted or prevented. Current research and perspectives on ...


MicroLED neural probe for neuroscience

Associate Professor Hiroto Sekiguchi and Ph.D. candidate Hiroki Yasunaga in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Information Engineering at Toyohashi University of Technology have developed a MicroLED neural probe ...

Medical research

Large transporter protein linked to schizophrenia

Scientists have suspected mutations in a cellular cholesterol transport protein are associated with psychiatric disorders, but have found it difficult to prove this and to pinpoint how it happens. Now, Kazumitsu Ueda of Kyoto ...

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