
New warning about the risks of combining ibuprofen and codeine

The European Medicines Agencies (EMA) recommended European countries include new warnings on labels and in package inserts of analgesics, or pain killers, that combine codeine and ibuprofen. This recommendation was agreed ...

Medical research

Discovery suppresses progression of kidney fibrosis

Webster Santos is determined to find a way to halt kidney fibrosis, a condition caused by persistent inflammation and assault to the kidney. The disorder leads to kidney disease, itself a pathway to kidney failure, also known ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Periodic fasting tied to less severe COVID-19 outcomes

Routine periodic fasting is associated with a lower risk for hospitalization or mortality in patients with COVID-19, according to a study published online July 1 in BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health.

Oncology & Cancer

Cancer patients face greater risks from abdominal aneurysm repair

Elective abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair in patients with a cancer diagnosis is associated with several poor postoperative outcomes according to a newly published study from researchers at the University of Missouri ...

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