
Tanning's allure tied to other addictions

(HealthDay)—People who seem to have a deep tan year-round—whether from the sun or indoor tanning—may be "addicted" to tanning. And new research suggests there's also a link between such tanning and other addictions.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Got the winter blues? All about seasonal affective disorder

If winter days get you down, you're not alone. You may have seasonal affective disorder, a type of depression triggered by the change of seasons. People with this disorder tend to feel depressed in the fall and winter, when ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

It's sometimes called 'the winter blues'

With winter in the northern hemisphere approaching, it's not uncommon for people to feel sluggish or moody. Those symptoms can be typical of someone experiencing seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression that ...

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